On the first day I came to the class Information and Communication Technology (SSI3013), in my mind this subject is a very difficult subject, as it is for 3 credit hours and the classes will last for 3 hours per week. Compared with the previous semester, 3 credit hours is very hard and will have a lot to-do with a tasks and activities of presentation. My prediction is accurate. In addition, subjects SSI has no final examination and the marks only depend on the assignment and project. However, this class is not very heavy pressure on me and my friends as the lecturer of this subject, Mr. Azmi Bin Ibrahim was very good. He has to be firm but still cares about his students.
In my view, Mr. Azmi assertiveness is to build a strong discipline among us before becoming a real teacher.Admittedly, actually understanding the content of the lessons learned in this subject is less for me. We have learned about the use of technology in teaching and learning process in schools, the use of Data Logging in handling experiments and the use of STELLA Software.
All things that have been taught is actually very useful to us that will be the educators and also in improving the standard of education in our country. In addition, we have also invested with a variety of soft skills required as part of the presentation of student learning. Among the skills covered are communication skills and level of confidence. At the same time, the skills to communicate in english was dressed as well.
Finally, this subject requires a practical after done in learning of the theory in class. So, I expect all of my classmates and me to practice theory that have learned and taught throughout the class. I would also like to thank Mr. Azmi Bin Ibrahim because of his determination to teach us and patient with our antics. Not forget to my partner, Nurul Husna Binti Abdul Fatah for her excellency cooperation, help and outstanding during completing the assignment and this project. I hope my classmates will achieve success and become excellent in future.
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